Working with properties in Dresser is not much different from working with properties in your timeline.

For example: You can hold **shift** for steps of 10 when working with sliders etc.

A hovered Color Property in Dresser

A hovered Color Property in Dresser

When you hover over the property you’ll see that there is a stopwatch and an expression button available.

Clicking the grey stopwatch will add a keyframe with the value of the current time to the timeline. You can navigate to the keyframes directly from Dresser using the previous and next buttons next to the keyframe.

Clicking a blue keyframe will remove that single keyframe from that point of time in the timeline. When it’s not blue it will add one.

Like I said: “Just like it works in your timeline” 🙂

Clicking the stopwatch when it’s blue will remove all keyframes

Size Property with a keyframe on the current time

Size Property with a keyframe on the current time

Reveal property in timeline

Opacity property selected. Indicated by the blue checkmark behind the name

Opacity property selected. Indicated by the blue checkmark behind the name

Outer Glow Layer Style Group selected in the header. Indicated by the blue checkmark behind the name.

Outer Glow Layer Style Group selected in the header. Indicated by the blue checkmark behind the name.

To reveal your property in the timeline you can click the name to select the property. Indicated with a blue checkmark.

<aside> 👀 Hitting ss on your keyboard will now reveal all selected properties on your timeline.


Of course you can select multiple properties or even the whole group from the header

Properties Expressions

You can manipulate the expressions from a property directly from the panel


Just click the Expression Button

The Expression Button for the Size Property. Turns visible while hovering over the property

The Expression Button for the Size Property. Turns visible while hovering over the property

Dialog with a simple Expression Editor

Dialog with a simple Expression Editor

Keyboard Combinations for the Property Expression Button

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Edit expression **click** Opens up the Expression Editor inside the panel


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Toggle expression on/off **shift** + **click** Disables/enables the expression for the property. The expression is conserved


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Remove expression **alt** + **click** Removes the expression


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Remove expression & Keep Value **meta** + **click** Removes the expression but keeps the resulting value of the expression (for the current time)


These actions are also available through the property menu button on the top right corner of the property

These actions are also available through the property menu button on the top right corner of the property

<aside> 🟥 When a property has an expression enabled its name is red. If a property has an expression but it is not enabled only the small expression button in the bottom right is red.


<aside> 🟧 When a property has an Expression Error enabled its name is orange and an orange Warning Sign is displayed in place of the Code Symbol


Opacity Property with the Property Expression Button marked red. Indicating it has a working expression

Opacity Property with the Property Expression Button marked red. Indicating it has a working expression

Angle Property with an expression that is disabled.

Angle Property with an expression that is disabled.

Distance Property with an Expression Error. Indicated by the orange color and Warning Sign

Distance Property with an Expression Error. Indicated by the orange color and Warning Sign

But what if you want to remove all the expressions from all the properties on a Layer Style or even from the complete Layer Styles Group?

Go to:

Remove (All) Layer Styles Expressions